
A “volunteer” is anyone who without compensation , or expectation of compensation beyond reimbursement, performs a task at the direction of, and on behalf of, Bramble Park Zoo. Unless specifically stated, volunteers shall not be considered “employees” of Bramble Park Zoo.

Three Levels of Volunteerism

1) Volunteer Program Members:

The Bramble Park Zoo Volunteer Program is designed for those individuals and families that would like to develop an ongoing relationship with this facility as a volunteer. Program members may be asked to assist in many different areas throughout the course of each year and will be trained to effectively work with guest, paid staff and animals as the need and interest warrants.

2) Special Circumstance Volunteers:

Bramble Park Zoo also accepts as volunteers those participating in student community service activities, student intern projects, alternative sentencing or diversion programs, corporate volunteer programs, and other volunteer referral programs. In each of these cases, however, a special agreement must be in effect with the organization, school, or program from which the special case volunteer originates, and must identify responsibility for management and care of volunteers. Zoo and museum-specific education and training of these special case volunteers is the responsibility of Bramble Park Zoo, and specifically, the supervisor of the area in which the volunteer is working.

3) One-time Volunteers:

Individuals or groups come to the Zoo and museum to volunteer their time to a specific one-day project, activity, or event. As there is no specific education required of these individuals, they are not required to attend training or make a commitment to Bramble Park Zoo beyond the day in which they volunteer.

Click on the appropriate tab on the left to download an application.

Contact Us

Call the Zoo at 605.882.6269 or email us via our Contact Us page.